Nice web design stuff


My name is Paco García and I'm a graphic & digital designer based in Barcelona.

Specialized in develop brands as well as print and digital projects. Work based on a solid conceptual approach. We have a strong focus on typography, design systems and illustration.

Every project is an oportunity to make something great!

About me

Let me introduce myself, my name is Paco Garcia, I'm a designer who combines work and teaching for more than 13 years. Graduated in Illustration (Escola Massana) and Graphic Design, (University of Barcelona). I supplemented these studies with a stay at the Ecole Superior des Arts Decoratifs (ENSAD). I also have a higher degree of Technical Web Design (SEEWAY) and a master's degree in Web Design (BAU). As you can see I try to be in constant training. After all...

How I could teach if I were not able to learn?

Our work


Say Hi!

Doing nice webdesign stuff, I'll take care about what you wanna say.

Come to visit and say hi!

C/ Torrentet 8, 2n 4a

08505 Sta. Eulàlia de Riuprimer

Or get in touch with me at:
skype: pgarciaskype

It would be nice to meet you!